
The ‘ThinkTank-H2’ – The independent hydrogen promoter

  • “ThinkTank-H2” – advice and active support from independent experts for the implementation of effective hydrogen strategies by politicians, manufacturers, suppliers, and start-ups!

  • “ThinkTank-H2” – the think tank for innovation and sustainability of products and services around hydrogen!

  • “ThinkTank-H2” – the forum for ideas, solutions, and strategies of leading minds in the hydrogen discussion

  • “ThinkTank-H2” – the team of experts for evaluating providers, supply chains and Energy provider as well as their standards of supply!

  • “ThinkTank-H2” – the initiator for the support of entrepreneurial activities as well as necessary, industry and policy-independent studies and analyses!



  • Manufacturing, power generation, and mobility without CO2 emissions!
  • Safe hydrogen production, distribution, and use!


The ThinkTank-H2 initiates, promotes, and provides a network for projects of innovative high-tech applications for future-and market oriented solutions.


ThinkTank-H2 is neutral, independent, and not afraid of disruptive innovations.

Hydrogen – Energy for a green future

  • Today we have Combustion engines, Batteries, and Hybrids, but the future belongs to Hydrogen
  • Asia and the USA are currently leading developments, Europe is in danger of falling behind!
  • Nine billion euros are available for developing hydrogen technologies – they can be used now unbureaucratically, directly!

Hydrogen technology –
from Europe, for Europe and the world


“ThinkTank-H2”: Hydrogen, the energy storage, better than Norway

20 September 2021|

What works well in Norway is not even close yet to being established in Germany, criticizes the Greens/Bündnis 90 party. They want to speed up the pace with e-charging stations. Without hydrogen, this threatens the collapse of the German power grid, warns “ThinkTank-H2”. […]

“ThinkTank-H2” – Hydrogen or battery: who will win the race?

15 September 2021|

The electrical infrastructure for e-mobility is currently being driven forward at full speed. At the same time, hydrogen is becoming increasingly popular. Here politicians have an issue. The question is: on which energy will the new federal government set the more sustainable focus? […]

“ThinkTank-H2” – 5 km to the nearest hydrogen access

10 September 2021|

Germany – hydrogen country. This is in short what the Federal Government proclaimed at the beginning of 2021. Meanwhile, 5 disillusionment took place. During the Federal election campaign, the molecule is not an issue. Wrongly, says “ThinkTank-H2”. The new association demands from government green hydrogen – now! […]


To be an “honest broker” between the different interests

To be neutral and independent!

To check all arguments neutrally and evaluate them with objective and understandable criteriae

To provide guidance in the jungle of interests and arguments

To initiate or support specific projects


We are an accepted first point of contact for medium-sized companies and start-ups when it comes to hydrogen. We evaluate alternatives to established solutions. We initiate research on hydrogen, maintain networks and publish on the topic, offer forums and training courses.


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